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City Councilor Bill Christiansen said "I'm strongly considering it and very likely to run for mayor."
"I've been interested," said Jim Williamson, a Republican and former state senator. "I wasn't going to run against (Taylor), but I may look at it now."
Republicans who were reticent to challenge Taylor, now seem almost eager to throw their hats into the ring. Besides Christiansen and Williamson, City Councilors G.T. Bynum, Rick Westcott and Bill Martinson and former City Councilors Dewey Bartlett Jr. and Chris Medlock all say they will at least consider the race. Even former City Councilor Susan Neal and former Mayor Bill LaFortune are more cautious but didn't rule out campaigns.
Bynum said he is being encouraged to run by a number of people throughout the community, which has him looking at the possibility.
Westcott said he's always done what he believes is in the best interest of Tulsa.
"The determining factor for me on this race is whether it is best for the city that I continue to serve as a councilor or mayor," he said. "I haven't yet figured that out."
Martinson said he isn't ruling out a bid for the seat, but for now is focusing on getting a city budget approved.
Medlock, an unsuccessful mayoral candidate in 2006, said he owes it to his supporters to consider the race.
"My phone has been ringing off the hook the last 24 hours," he said. "I've had Facebook messages. I've had people asking me for yard signs. Out of respect for those people, I have to at least give it consideration."
And then there is the man who has the Courage of His Convictions, and had already announced he was running, and was willing to take on Taylor's Big Money backers, Clay Clark.
Clark is a newcomer to the Tulsa political scene, and has been quickly gaining support amongst the "grassroots" and Tea Party crowds, with his message of "Smaller Government = Bigger Wallets" and "The Fight Against Socialism Starts in Tulsa" message. Clark is a two-time SBA Entrepeneur of the Year, due to his work in founding and running Tulsa's DJ Connections. Clark's message of common sense and Conservative Values, resonates with the same people who stand strong on Constitutional Principles, and the Christian Values, that our Nation was founded on.
His critics, and opponents, will point to his lack of experience in public office. But look around at the candidates running against him, do we really want more of the same, from the same old candidates? I say it's time for more Clay Clarks to stand up, and run for major office. Who says you have to start in a low-level post, and work your way through it? That may be the accepted method, but the accepted method is very obviously BROKEN! What we do NOT need is more career politicians, looking for the next step up the ladder of politics.
Only two of these candidates have shown ANY support for the Tulsa Tea Party Movement, Chris Medlock, who spoke at the Tax Day Tea Party, and attended the first Tea Party on Feb 27, 2009, and Clay Clark, who attended the Tax Day Tea Party, and was inspired by that event to declare himself in for the Tulsa Mayoral Race, and will speak at the Flag Day Rally 'Round The Flag Tea Party on June 13th, 2009.
We can win this, and show all of the established politicians that we mean business! As of the writing of this Blog, Chris Medlock was leading in all three polls, with Clay Clark 2nd in 2 out of 3, and City Councilman Bill Christiansen garenering the 3rd most votes. Conservative politics have the lead, and Tulsa would be well served by either Medlock, or Clark. However, my pick for the GOP nomination is Clay Clark, because he will bring a new, fresh perspective to running Tulsa!
It's time that "We the People" became part of the process again, instead of just sitting on the sidelines, and watching the same group of people make the decisions for us! Get out there and VOTE FOR CLAY CLARK! Starting today in the surveys and polls placed on and and on this page. Then at the primaries in September, and the Election in November!
Clay Clark Does.