Image via Wikipedia
It was interesting to note, the different responses each candidate received from the audience, as they were announced. Some well-known candidates, such as US Representative John Sullivan, despite having a fairly large group of volunteers present, received a very luke-warm reception, while some lesser-known candidates, like Nathan Dahm, who is challenging Sullivan for the District 1 nomination, received a VERY enthusiastic response. And, the loudest cheers, and applause, were for the State Senator from Owasso, Randy Brogdon, who is seeking the GOP nomination for Governor. His main opponent, US Representative, Mary Fallin, decided to skip this meeting, for a press event in Midwest City.
What do these disparate responses mean? Well, in my opinion, (for what it's worth), it means that the local Republicans who are most involved in the process this year, are also the same people who are involved with the strongly Conservative Tea Party movement. The Tea Party, as well as, the Glenn Beck inspired, 9-12 Project, have been working hard, over the past year, to educate, and encourage, disenchanted Conservatives, to get involved, again. Apparently, it is working! Each of the candidates who received strong support from the crowd, has a reputation as Strong, Constitutional Conservatives, who oppose the movement of the Republican Party towards the more "moderate middle" of the RNC.
A Straw Poll was also conducted, and I will update with the reults, as soon as they are in!