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Session of the 52nd Legislature
Bill No.: HB3220
Version: Introduced
Author: Speaker Benge
Date: 2/16/2010
Impact: Pending
Bill Summary
Research Analyst: Brad Wolgamott
The measure authorizes the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority to establish a new turnpike beginning at Interstate 44 near its intersection with 49th West Avenue, past State Highway 64/412, turning northeasterly, crossing 41st West Avenue, and continuing eastward to the L.L. Tisdale Expressway in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
It's time to call a spade a spade! Speaker Benge is a RINO, who has led a GOP Majority in the State House, down the road of a Liberal, Tax and Spend philosophy, which has been no better than the previous, Democrat-led, regime!
He had a Conservative Rating of just 40 for 2009 and a cumulative, Lifetime Rating of just 66! How can this man even call himself a Republican?! We need to let him know what we think of his record, and this bill!
Please, EVERYONE, call his office, 405-557-7430 and tell them that the Tea Party has Representative Benge in the Crosshairs, and unless he pulls this Bill, he will NEVER hold office, as a Republican, in the State of Oklahoma Again!